Updated FlashDevelop Project Templates

I’ve been using my FlashDevelop Project templates for a while now, and it’s nice to see that others are using them too. I’ve made a few changes to them based on things that I’ve tweaked and adjusted as I’ve been using them.

One is that the launch method can now be tab, ext, ie or ff, for launching in a tab in FlashDevelop, the external player, Internet Explorer or FireFox.

Another major fix to them handles a problem that arose when attempting to dynamically load an asset. The SWF would be compiled to the deploy folder, but if it was attempting to load an asset that was in the same folder, it wouldn’t be able to find it when launched via the build process. This is now fixed.

Grab them and let me know how they work for you.


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9 Responses to Updated FlashDevelop Project Templates

  1. William from Lagos says:


    Do you know any good resource I can use to learn how to work configure Flash Develop and the MTSAC compiler to create actionscript projects and compile to swf files without ever opening the flash IDE?

  2. kp says:


    That’s really one of the main focuses of FlashDevelop. It actually installes MTASC and SWFMill and several of the default projects work directly with MTASC.

  3. Philippe says:

    And did you change the templates’ flex path?
    Because you choosed ‘flex_2_sdk’ which badly looks like ‘flex_sdk_2’ which is the framework ZIP name… Quite confusing, isnt’it?

  4. spender says:

    Just got this up and running and presented it to the flashcodersbrighton group. Nice. It’s also worth noting that if you locate the doc.zip file that comes with the FlexBuilder trial and unzip it, you can point the FD Help Panel plugin at the unzipped folder and get speedy offline help, which is useful. The standalone Flex SDK doesn’t come with any help. Weird.

    I was thinking about what would be involved wrt creating a .swc/library template and keep coming back to the flexbuilder2 project properties feature that gives you tickboxes to check against the classes that you want to include in the resulting .swc file. I’m not sure this kind of interactivity will be possible without creating an additional FD plugin, and was wondering whether you’d spent any time thinking about this.

  5. kp says:

    I think it would be great to create a plugin like this for FD. But if so, it would be worth waiting til the next version of FD is released.

  6. spender says:

    perhaps this is a reason why the doc.zip method is not such a good idea…


    why doesn’t it come free????

  7. kp says:

    It’s all free on live docs. You can purchase the printed docs.

  8. Car says:

    It’s all free on live docs. You can purchase the printed docs.

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